Daniel Glaubitz

We help you to identify & win the right candidates for your company.

We are a leading recruitment agency focused on the cycling industry and provide companies with highly skilled workforce, from entry level to top management. To find employees, foremost specialists and managers, is often a lengthy and costly process that binds valuable business resources.

With over 20 years of market experience and our deep industry network in the fields of bike, sports, and urban mobility, we help our partners to identify, address, and win the right candidates for their companies so that they can focus on what they do best: Their Business!

Besides our recruitment activities we focus on new business ideas and entrepreneurial solutions. My Co-Founder Till Kraemer leads our Business and Innovation Hub in Palma de Mallorca, coordinates our recruitment activities for Southern European Markets, and with his 20+ years expertise he is also an important member of CIE’s new Entrepreneurship Expert Group.

  1. What are you most excited about 2020?

    While 2020 in general is a year with few ups and many downs, our industry seems to profit from the side-effects of given circumstances. Cycling can be a way to revolutionize the way we live together in cities, it can act as a facilitator to make our life and economy more human centered. And cycling contributes to a healthier society – so to say the counter movement of corona that drives people away from each other – to connect humans again.

    Personally, I am excited about our new branch & office in Maastricht (Netherlands) that I opened recently to strengthen the relationships with our Benelux partners and to offer a better service within the region! This is an important strategic step as our main focus so far has been on German speaking markets and Iberia.

  2. What do you see as a major challenge in the cycling industry and how can CIE play a role in overcoming that challenge?

    For me it has always been clear that a better infrastructure for cyclists is even more important to get people on bikes than “better” products. Imagine you live in a big city with few or bad and even unsafe bike lanes. Would you enjoy a bike ride with your kids? Probably not, not even with the newest and best bikes and equipment available.

    I think CIE is our voice when it comes to political issues. Thanks to you guys we now have the power to really make a difference. The last weeks and months have shown us that it is not a small community of “bike-nerds” but rather the big majority of people looking for more sustainable and cleaner transportation in the cities. The people want to reconquer the roads and love their cities quieter and cleaner. I feel that CIE has helped a lot to show the necessity for change to politicians and political institutions and consequently the outcome will be brilliant for all of us.

  3. What/who in the cycling industry inspires you?

    All those brave business owners and entrepreneurs that dedicate a huge amount of their lifetime to make a difference. Not only do they supply customers with great products but also offer job opportunities and so provide income and safety to many people. It is great to see that in our industry a lot of new jobs are created at the moment although the circumstances are very difficult. I look up to all of you entrepreneurs & employers, keep believing in yourselves and your businesses!

  4. Describe in 5 words how cycling is saving the world?

    Health. Well-Being. Happiness. Clean-City. Human-Connector.