Join the webinar!
Join us on Wednesday 13 March at 3PM CET for the webinar "Women in Cycling 2024: Towards more diversity in the cycling industry", hosted by Women in Cycling. Secure your place and register via this link.
In this webinar you will:
Discover what's ahead for Women in Cycling in 2024 and gain insights from the "Diversity in the Cycling Sector" study.
Join a lively panel discussion with women leaders who reflect on the report's key points and talk about ways to make the cycling world more diverse.
Bring your questions, connect with other women, and help us shape the sector forward!
Welcome by April Marshke, Specialized
Fireside chat with Elke Van den Brandt, Brussels' Mobility Minister
WIC Outlook in 2024:
What’s on for Women in Cycling in 2024 – Lauha Fried, Cycling Industries Europe
French Women in Cycling platform – Ophélie Laffuge, Femmes à vélo
German Women in Cycling platform, Isabelle Eberlein, Velokonzept
Presentation of key findings of the “Diversity in the Cycling Sector” study, Sally Middlemiss, followed by Q&A
Panel: Reflections about the report topics with a panel moderated by Dagmar Köhler (Mobycon). Panellists:
Caroline van Renterghem (Fifteen)
Caroline Cerfontaine (ECF)
Keisha Alena Mayuga (Move As One Coalition, Phillipines)
Roberta Frisoni, Urban Planning and Transport, Municipality of Rimini
Wrap up by April Marshke, Specialized
Women In Cycling Expertise Portal
Have you already signed up to the Women In Cycling Expertise Portal? If you are interested in speaking opportunities, board places, interviews, jobs or networking with other women working in the sector, sign up here. The purpose of the portal is to give a voice for women working in the cycling sector through increased visibility and influence.
Women In Cycling LinkedIn Group
Join the discussion by joining Women In Cycling LinkedIn Group and start engaging with women from all over the world. Join the group here.
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