As the cargo bike market is booming, safety standards and product liability are gaining in importance!
The European Standardisation Organisation (CEN) Technical Committee 333 (Cycles) established a working group on cargo bikes (CEN/TC 333/WG 9 Cargo Bikes) to develop a European Standard (EN) for cargo bikes. The new German and French standards for cargo bikes (DIN 79010:2020-02 and NF R30-050-1) will serve as a basis for developing the EN standard. In the upcoming weeks, discussions will take place on the scope of the EN. In order to provide a collective industry input we have launched a survey .
This survey is an initiative by the European Cycle Logistics Federation (ECLF), Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) and as part of the CityChangerCargoBike project's support for establishing a European Standard for cargo bikes.
As an official liaison partner of CEN, ECLF is represented by Arne Behrensen ( in the WG 9 on cargo bikes. He is consulting with ECLF members and Cycling Industries Europe's Cargo Bike and Cycle Logistics Expert Group to advocate the industry input.
All manufacturers of cargo bikes and components as well as other interested parties are invited to contribute to the survey which is intended to help generating important background for the discussion that will take place in the working group on the scope and could contribute to a decision by consensus of its members!
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