Dear members of CIE.
We recognise the very significant business and personal challenges that the current outbreak of Coronavirus creates for all sectors of the cycling industries of Europe. Therefore, we are contacting you today to update you about what we are doing now, how we will support our members and our industries as we go forward.
Taking responsibility
We recognise our responsibility as a sector and as business leaders to protect our workforces, those of our suppliers, customers and the wider community. Therefore, we will follow the current recommendations of governments, local authorities and health agencies in the running of our association.
We also recognise our shared responsibility for the health of our industries and allied businesses. Cycling is a diverse sector, with many small and medium sized businesses as well as global corporations. We act in the interest of every company, from the smallest bike shop and remote mountain biking venue to the factories of our suppliers and customers. That is our responsibility as leaders of our industry and as an industry association.
We must speak positively about cycling as essential transport and as a source of physical and mental wellbeing. We will strengthen our efforts to show the importance of cycling to the economy, the environment and society and to ensure that the value of cycling is recognised by policy-makers throughout the crisis and recovery period.
What we are doing
Our CIE 2020 Summit and Annual General Assembly will become a web streamed conference on 28th April and General Assembly by video conference on 29th. We will contact all registered participants and members in the coming days to tell you about the new arrangements, please keep the dates because we have a lot to share.
From Thursday 26th March we will start a member briefing service using webinar technology. The first webinar will provide an international overview of the current political, business, financial and economic impacts of Coronavirus with an interpretation of how that affects cycling industries and an overview of what to expect in the coming weeks and months, particularly in terms of government interventions and resources such as funding. These webinars are open to all staff of member companies, please register here to be sent the instructions for the briefing.
The work of our Expert Groups continues using video conferencing. At this time the leadership of experts in every sector is vital and we thank the companies who are putting real energy into moving cycling forward. This will have positive impact for us all.
To support members a new contact service is available for Coronavirus related queries and for you to send any information you believe is important to share with other members. Please send all enquires to covid19(at) where it will get priority attention.
We thank our team in Brussels, showing their experience and expertise in policy and industry support on a daily basis. In line with Belgian Government advice the team is working from home now, but maintaining all possible activities.
In conclusion
Our cycling industries are an important part of Europe. We support 650,000 jobs, we invest in green and sustainable technologies and we will continue to bring many benefits to Europe in coming years. Right now it is vital that we work together effectively to make sure our industry comes through this in the very best possible health, along with our employees, suppliers and customers.
We thank you for your continued commitment and support.
Tony Grimaldi, President
Kevin Mayne, Chief Executive Officer
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