Ahead of CIE Summit, CIE presented its first edition of our Market Intelligence Report to CIE Members on 11th May in Brussels.
The report gives a high-level oversight of unique insights on the state of cycling in 2021 focusing around three elements:
- Government policies and investments
- Consumer cycling levels (ridership)
- Business performance indicators
A group of contributors, formed by CIE Members and Partners that regularly take part into CIE Market Impact and Intelligence Expert Group, have provided valuable data and figures on behalf of their organisations and companies. These insights have been put together by CIE, providing an analysis of the information collected to gather evidence to help market forecasting, make cross sector comparisons, support stronger promotion of the sector, provide better information for the industry as well as NGOs, policymakers and investors.
CIE is grateful to members and partners who share on a pro-bono basis their content and their expertise because they believe it contributes to the mission of more cycling and a stronger industrial ecosystem in cycling.
7 Takeaways from CIE Market Intelligence Report 2022
- In 2021 all EU Member States committed to double cycling in Europe by 2030 in the framework of the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion. This commitment fostered the adoption of (updated) National Cycling Strategies by most of the EU countries.
- 21 EU Member States have included cycling in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans with a total of €1.7 billion earmarked for cycling infrastructure, safety, tourism and promotion.
- In 2021 one-third of the EU Member States had a national tax incentive in place for cycling, whereas half of the EU Member States had purchase incentives schemes in place.
- After the cycling boom in the second semester of 2020, bicycle use in Europe in 2021 has stabilised at 9.2% above pre-pandemic levels, with the highest growth in Italy (+27%) and UK (+22%). Almost all EU countries experienced a significant bike traffic growth in weekends, while weekday riding did not see the same spectacular growth for all EU countries.
- Overall, cycling industry sector’s picture is extremely positive, with over three-quarters (78%) of the businesses reporting higher revenues for 2021 vs 2020 and companies taking on new staff growing from 53% to 77%.
- Consumer research and business reporting suggest a cooling of demand in late 2021 vs 2020 mainly driven by the mechanical bike demand decreases. However, both have positive trend lines vs earlier years.
- Business resilience is much improved, with 67% of companies no longer relying in external support to survive. Unsurprisingly the number 1 issue is supply chain challenges, with 86% of companies reporting continuing problems and little confidence that the situation will be resolved in 2022.
The above findings are only a taster menu of the information contained in the report. CIE Members will have access to the full version of the report, therefore if you are interested to find out all the insights included in the report, please consider joining CIE or contact us at info(at)cyclingindustries.com.
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