15 May 2024

The CIE Team will be heading to Ghent for Velo-city 2024 from 18-21 June, the annual world cycling summit where cities, policy-makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling. We have outlined the events and sessions where we will be present, so mark your calendars and join us! During the whole event, you are welcome to come and see us at the CIE Pavilion, that we share with various partners, too.

Which Are the Best Ranking Bike Share Cities In 2024 And Why?

When: Tuesday 18 June, 14.45 - 15.45

Where: GRAVENSTEEN (Green room)

Cycling Industries Europe’s bike share experts will be launching their new “Benchmarking Bike Share in 148 Cities” study. Join the roundtable discussion and come and ask your questions to world leading bike share experts!

Which are the best ranking bike share cities in 2024 and why? What are the features of a successful bike share scheme? How much does an advanced bike share scheme cost? How to improve your city’s bike share scheme’s performance?

Last year Cycling Industries Europe published a first of its kind study ranking bike sharing services in 148 European cities revealing major gaps in performance between front-runners and late adopters. CIE’s “Shared Ambition” study gives cities key insights into how to improve their bike sharing offer, generate more trips and make cities greener and more liveable. Now this study has been updated with additional indicators and figures and the new study will be released and discussed at this session. 

The report is incredibly powerful, because it shows exactly how every city in Europe can set ambitious targets and measure results for improvements in sustainable mobility through bike sharing. With more than 70% of Europeans living in cities and transport accounting for over a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, bike sharing services offer an inclusive, affordable and healthy solution towards slashing transport-related emissions by 90% by 2050, a key objective of the EU’s Green Deal.

We will have ten roundtables focusing on different topics – come and join the discussion!

More info here


Women in Cycling: Bringing diversity to the bike sector

When: Tuesday 18 June, 12.15 - 13.15

Where: MASTEL (Yellow room)

Women in Cycling is an initiative created 3 years ago by CIE, ECF, Velokonzept, Mobycon and CONEBI aiming to connect women working in the cycling sector to act together for more visibility, impact and leading seats in the cycling sector. We want to empower women and strive towards transforming the system fundamentally by including the needs of underrepresented groups and highlighting the need for change on a more structural level. In this session we will discuss solutions towards a more divers bicycle sector and highlight the strengths of networks that contribute to empowering women in the cycling sector!

More info here


Smart Pedal Pitch: Discover the Latest Cycling Innovations!

When: Tuesday 18 June, 14.45 - 15.45

Where: PIERKE (Freewheel stage)

Smart Pedal Pitch is an annual international call for the most innovative and market-ready cycle tech solutions, to shape the future of cycling in cities. It is a unique competition for start-ups and SMEs to help build better cities, cycling ecosystems and cycling technology, that takes place during Velo-city each year. Join this session to get inspired and play a role in voting for the best innovations. The finalists, determined during this session by the special jury and the Velo-city audience will battle it out on the plenary stage for the chance to test their cycling solution on the streets of Ghent.

More info here


Plenary 3: Cycling Strategies - Joining National and International Forces

When: Wednesday 19 June, 09.00 - 10.15

Where: T KUIPKE (Purple room)

During the session, a panel comprising key stakeholders within the cycling advocacy sector will explore ways to elevate international cycling strategies and other initiatives to a higher level. Special attention will be directed towards the recently released European Declaration on Cycling by the European Commission, with panellists including Kevin Mayne, CEO of Cycling Industries Europe, Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists Federation and Georges Gilkinet, Director General of DG Move, discussing the next steps.

More info here

How Cycling Is Transforming Urban Logistics Across Europe

When: Thursday 20 June, 10.45 - 11.45

Where: MASTEL (Yellow room)

Cycle Logistics is the future of urban transport of goods and services. It is highly efficient in urban areas, it is the most sustainable transport (for the environment, for the economy and for the people), and it complements other means of transport for the first and last mile in the logistics chain. In this panel, three national federations (Belgium, France and Germany) will depict their vision for the future of urban transport of goods and services, and they will share the progress made by cycle logistics in their countries, their successes and failures, the hurdles and enablers in achieving this transformation.

More info here


PLENARY 5: Teaming Up With Other Sectors & Smart Pedal Pitch Finals

When: Thursday 20 June, 16.30 - 17.30

Where: T KUIPKE (Purple room)

The bicycle presents a simple solution to the most complex issues our world is facing today. The benefits of cycling appear not only in specific, isolated fields like transport or environmental policy, but in many other areas like urban logistics, health, real-estate, or the sport sector. During this session, high-level speakers will discuss how cycling can help their respective sectors reaching their objectives more efficiently.

More info here


New Skills and Business Models for the Cycling Economy of the Future

When: Friday 21 June, 11.00 - 11.45

Where: MASTEL (Yellow room)

The cycling sector offers significant opportunities for job creation across various fields: from bicycle manufacturing, maintenance and retail to infrastructure development and advocacy. They all play an important role in promoting cycling as a crucial mode of transport. In this panel discussion, we will focus on the importance of the cycling sector’s workforce and will be moderated by Kevin Mayne, CEO of Cycling Industries Europe.

More info here

CIE: Data-Driven Cycling: Maximizing the Benefits of Floating Bike Data

When: Friday 21 June, 11.00 - 11.45

Where: STROP (Blue room)

This cycling and ITS session at Velo-City Ghent will focus on the work being carried out by the MegaBITS project to develop a comprehensive data set for ‘Floating Bike Data’. ‘Floating Bike Data’ has the potential to provide valuable data for city planners and policy makers on the trips and trace data that cyclists in their city or region make. In this panel, partners of the MegaBITS project as well as technology providers will discuss successful applications of floating bike data, and where a developed, standardised data set could take cycling and urban planning in the future.

More info here

CIE Pavilion

When: Tuesday 18 June to Friday 21 June, 09.00 - 17.00

Come and see us and our partner exhibitors at the CIE Pavilion for networking, free coffee and more. Our exhibiting partners include: MegaBITS, Dott, Geveko Markings, Laplandar, Nextbike, Qucit, Urban Sharing and Wunder Mobility. 

Discover the full program of Velo-City here.

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