16 February - The European Parliament’s Resolution on developing an EU Cycling Strategy tasks the European Commission with doubling the number of kilometres cycled in Europe by 2030. The call marks a recognition of cycling as a fully-fledged mode of transport and key industrial asset to meet long-term climate and clean manufacturing objectives.
The European Parliament’s Resolution, adopted today, 16 February 2023, almost unanimously in Strasbourg, sets out a 17-point action plan to develop more cycling infrastructure, lay fertile ground in Europe for bike, component and battery production, and grow two million jobs in a ‘cycling ecosystem’ covering manufacturing, tourism, retail, health and sports that already employs one million people in Europe today.
Cycling advocacy associations the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) and the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association (EBMA) enthusiastically welcome the Parliament’s Resolution and warmly congratulate its Transport and Tourism Committee for carrying through the Resolution under MEP Karima Delli’s initiative and stewardship.
MEP Karima Dellisaid: “Cycling brings so many benefits: better health, less congestion, more liveable cities and so on. However, up until now, we were lacking from the EU institutions a strong signal that recognises the central role of cycling in our societies.”
Kevin Mayne, CEO of Cycling Industries Europe,said: “This is an important step forward for the coalition of associations, companies, cities, regions and governments that have supported the European Parliament in developing this resolution. From an industry perspective this is the most comprehensive endorsement of the importance of our sector that we have ever had by the EU institutions.”
Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation,said: “This important resolution, which reflects many of our longstanding advocacy and policy demands, represents a key milestone for cycling. We applaud the entire European Parliament for adopting an EU Cycling Strategy that can unlock cycling’s potential to enable more people to cycle - and to cycle more safely - all across Europe.”
Manuel Marsilio, General Manager of CONEBI, added: “The bicycle, e-bike, parts and accessories industries in Europe welcome the European Parliament’s call on both the European Commission and EU Member States to develop an EU Cycling Strategy: this is an historic appeal for the further growth of the whole sector and a clear acknowledgement of its pivotal role in the mobility ecosystem of the EU industrial strategy”
In welcoming the call for an EU Cycling Strategy, ECF, CIE, CONEBI and EBMA urge the European Commission to rapidly act upon the extensive list of policy recommendations set out by the European Parliament.
Cycling stakeholders also hope that the proposed designation of 2024 as the European Year of Cycling – which is already backed by numerous EU Member States in the European Cycling Declaration – encourages national governments to take additional actions such as reducing VAT rates, multiplying initiatives to promote cycling and replicating the ‘Portugal Bike Valley’ reindustrialisation success story in other regions, with targeted support from European funding programmes.
Note to the editor:
The European Parliament’s resolution for an EU cycling strategy is legally non-binding, but is a key document to shape future policy priorities and decisions for which the Parliament can hold the European Commission accountable. The Resolution calls for a range of specific actions to enable and grow cycling, including, for example:
- Significantly increase investments in safe, separated cycling infrastructure and integrate cycling into urban frameworks
- Take cycling into account when building or upgrading Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) infrastructure
- Include the cycling industry in the mobility ecosystem of EU industrial strategy
- Support the production of “Made in Europe” bicycles and components
- Enable the creation of additional high-quality green jobs in the cycling industry
- Increase the accessibility and affordability of bicycles
- Accelerate the development of the EuroVelo network, the European cycle route network, and its 17 routes
- Promote cycle friendly workplaces
- Enable safe and secure bike parking spaces and charging capacity for e-bikes
- Designate 2024 as the European Year of Cycling
The European Parliament’s Resolution delivers on a pledge made by MEP Karima Delli to create a European cycling declaration last June at the Connecting Europe Days in Lyon and at a cycling summit a day later organised by the City of Copenhagen ahead of the Grand Départ of the Tour de France. Speaking at the same event in Copenhagen, Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans pledged his support and acknowledged that the EU has a role to play in formulating cycling policy, saying, “We must support more and new measures to grow cycling in Europe.”
Meanwhile, momentum for a more strategic approach to growing cycling continues to build among EU Member States. To date, 11 EU countries have signed the Belgium-led European Cycling Declaration which calls for an EU action plan to prioritise cycling. 12 member states have a national cycling strategy or similar policy document in force. Taken together, a total of 17 Member States – a clear majority - have either signed the European Cycling Declaration, have a national cycling strategy currently in force, or both.
About the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF): We are the single European umbrella organisation for cycling for both transportation and leisure. With more than 60 member organisations in over 40 countries, we unite the European cycling movements as the only civil society voice at the pan-European level, and as the world’s largest and best-known cyclists’ advocacy organisation. The vision we share with our members is to improve and increase cycling across the whole of Europe.
About Cycling Industries Europe (CIE): Cycling Industries Europe is the voice of cycling business, actively promoting the sector in Europe and worldwide. Our ambition is to reach out beyond the traditional definition of the cycling industry and align all business and commercial actors in a common mission to change the way people move.
About the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI): CONEBI represents the European Bicycle, Pedal Assist E-Bike, Parts & Accessories Industries; via the CONEBI’s national industry members, more than 600 small, medium and large companies are represented in CONEBI. The aim of CONEBI is to be part of the European regulatory and policy consultation fora as well as to keep on cooperating with other organizations that share common values or advocacy objectives. CONEBI is a founding member of the World Bicycle Industry Association WBIA and the Industry4Europe coalition.
About European Bicycle Manufacturers Association (EBMA): EBMA, the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association, represents the European bicycle, e-bike and components industry on a variety of trade and customs law issues. EBMA works in favour of free trade that is fair, in respect of WTO rules. EBMA strongly supports sustainable manufacturing in the EU to grow our cycling industry green jobs and sustainable manufacturing SMEs, to increase investments & innovations, and enhance the creation of industry bike valleys.
Michael Brennan
Communications Manager & Media Relations Officer – ECF
+32 (0) 487 51 29 97
Jacques Lovell
Industry Manager – CIE
+32 (0) 473 50 47 32
Jana Hrčková
Policy Officer – CONEBI
+32 (0) 483 03 79 76
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